
Friday, March 1, 2019

An Extract From My Book Published As An Article

I am pleased (and, frankly, just a mite proud) to let you know that a brief extract from chapter 16 of my upcoming memoir – Dottoressa: An American Doctor In Rome – has been published, as “Endings, Beginnings,” in the Perspective section of The New England Journal of Medicine, which is generally considered the world’s top medical publication. This piece, which is mainly about the impact of one death on my medical practice, can be accessed free online by everyone. It's much more sober than most of the writing that you’ve been used to, pretty heavy in fact… I hope you’ll appreciate it anyway. To my amazement, it’s been read  by about 5000 people so far, not counting subscribers who received a paper copy in the mail!
The book itself now has a scheduled publication date, May 21st, less than three months away, and it can already be preordered in the States either through my publisher or at Amazon, and in Italy or elsewhere at Book Depository, who offer free shipping worldwide. Consider passing the word.

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